My prices includes sales taxes and local delivery to Thousand Oaks, California exclusively.
As this website is new as of 02/2024, I would be most grateful if you would send me a cash contribution; else I would be most grateful if a loan can be worked out. Perhaps through the grace of G-d and your contributions, I won’t have to close.
I enjoy working with flowers and website designs. I feel it is an honor to design this website for my viewers and show my talents. Hopefully, all this work will pay up some day. As I said in my About page, I am presently running a virtual store. (For explanation of a virtual store, please see my About page. Where I underlined and bold the meaning.)
Hopefully, I will be able to renew my website hosting package on February 14, 2025. Due to the support of others, I may be able to sustain my business.
The road ahead of me, might be ruff but I am confident with the help and guidance of Jesus, all will be good. A good example of today’s era as opposed to years gone by is that flowers are easily accessible to the consumer by groceries stores and super stores. That was not always the case. Those pitfalls don’t bother me so much, because I believe that a good old-fashioned florist is still needed for those special, special occasions. And sadly, most florists have closed for one thing or another.
I am looking forward to someday opening a brick-and-mortar store and serving you with the best flowers in town. With some hard work, I believe everything is possible. We all need to have faith. Without faith we are all lost soldiers.
By contributing to me, you’ll help me raise the needed capital for a physical store. I believe we need to help one another as it is written in the holy scriptures.
Down below is where you may elect to contribute by selecting an amount of your choosing. You will be emailed a receipt in which you can use for tax purposes. I end my writing to you with what president Joe Biden would say, “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Creating beautiful floral designs for every occasion.
© 2024. All rights reserved.
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